
Telecoms Sector
The telecoms sector is facing a lot of innovations driven not only by a complex change in user experience and behavior, but also by a new approach regarding the way communication is made.
In fact, the telecoms industry has followed all changes and innovation regarding the way contemporary society communicates. It is important to refer that the telecommunication market had to evolve and change with business. This means that telecommunications are deeply connected to business cycles.
How can we add value to your telecoms company?
+ 200 Experts
We have a team of highly skilled professionals.
Services delivered around Europe
We have more than 20 offices based around Europe.
Sector and Business Knowledge
Technical know-how of the telecom sector and the expertise to find the best solutions for your business.
Product and Process Optimization
A dedicated team will help your business to find the right opportunities in a highly competitive and complex economical and technical environment.
Gained throughout more than 16 years working to help telecom companies to develop their infrastructure, enhanced IoT and invest in 5G.
Our Telecoms Sector Solutions
Nearshore, Engineering and Technology Consulting, R&D, Software Development
How innovation and technology impact the telecoms sector
Modern telecommunication suffers direct influence from all the changes that innovation and technology operate in business models, since telecom companies are expected to be enablers of productivity, competitive innovation and growth. It can also be said that innovation is only possible if telecommunication is a sector well-settled.
Telecoms sub-sectors
The telecommunications industry is composed especially of cable companies, telephone operators, satellite companies and internet service providers.
There are important sub-sectors of the telecoms industry: wireless communication and equipment services. From these, the fast-growing one is wireless communication, and this reflects the change in computing regarding new and innovative models of mobile devices and cloud-based tech. Digital communication play an important role in this too.