Innovation and Climate Change

Innovation can play an important role in fighting climate change.

Environment and Energy

September 17, 2021

4 minutes read

Climate changes

Climate change has undoubtedly become one of the greatest challenges of our time and innovative technology, such as low-carbon technologies or green energy, can be key to climate action.

Technological innovation can become a great ally by improving efforts to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and, at the same time, by allowing a transition to a green economy. The investment in technological innovation will allow us to achieve a net-zero carbon emission in the future. At the same time, this investment in innovative solutions to fight climate change can support and boost economies by creating new market opportunities in the so-called “new industrial revolution”. In fact, national economies could experiment higher investments in jobs as a way to secure this transition to cleaner energy sources. This financial investment is especially evident in the wind and solar industries.

One of the solutions to bypass climate change is turning technologies that can help reduce emissions by making them more accessible and lowering their costs. We are talking about renewable energy, like wind and solar or electric vehicles. At the same time, the investment in R&D must be increased in order to find tangible solutions. The governments must also be called on to make technological investments to fight climate change, embrace the green economy, invest in research, and boost climate policies.

Innovation can be key to face climate change and can transform the economic landscape and competitiveness while creating new job opportunities. It’s also important to spread clean, innovative solutions. On a first hand, the governments must invest in research for technological innovations. However, on the other hand, they must support their deployment and use by making them accessible to all.

The climate innovation model

It’s necessary to find new solutions that can be easily adopted by the customer and, at the same time, improve the distribution of products with low carbon tech. For this to happen, an innovative approach not only by investing in R&D but also in new business models or in the transformation of the existing ones is necessary. It’s important to consider that the customers are aware of the business alignment with climate actions.

Innovation to help fight climate change

• Smart technologies and optimized design to increase building efficiency

• Transition to a circular economy: design, produce, distribute, consume, recycle

• Waste-heat recovery

• Nature-based solutions

• Renewable energy

• Electric vehicles and e-mobility

• Biofuels

• Clean hydrogen

• Energy storage

• Remote working

Aligned with these innovative and clean solutions to fight climate change, national governments are making public commitments and statements regarding climate change awareness. Innovation and technology can be great tools when it comes to fighting climate change and, at the same time, creating new economic opportunities.

Innovation in the Energy Sector

It is possible to observe some trends when it comes to innovation in the energy sector, regarding the use of sustainable energy sources and cutting-edge technology.

• Renewables Internet of Energy

• Energy as a service

• Vehicle-to-grid solutions

• Energy Storage

• Blockchain

Innovation and technological advances are key when it comes to executing a clean energy transition and fighting climate change while promoting economic development.

energy sector

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